
Bonding & Luting: State of Art and Clinical Tips

Aim of the lecture will be to classify adhesive systems and cements currently available and therefore to propose the correct clinical step-by-step procedure ideal for each material and clinical conditions of direct and indirect restorations.
The different characteristics of the restorative materials and of the adhesive cements will be assayed to understand the importance of the role of the clinician to obtain the highest bonding performances, in terms of improved bond strength, extended durability and reduced post-op sensitivity. In fact, despite their apparent simplicity (especially for the simplified adhesives and self-adhesive cements), the adhesive and luting techniques require scrupulous and detailed clinical operative protocols that differ from one restorative material to the other. Finally, the lecture will provide “tips and tricks” to achieve clinical success in terms of aesthetic requirements, biomechanical properties of adhesive restorations, bond strength and stability of the adhesive interface over time.

  • To present step-by-step protocols for clinical procedures of bonded anterior and posterior direct restorations and directions for luting indirect restorations.
  • To show clinical tips and tricks to achieve bonding and luting in different clinical condition.
  • To provide a standardized approach to adhesive dentistry aiming to achieve a stable bond over time.