Erdem Kilic has graduated from dental school in 2000 and obtained his PhD degree in oral and maxillofacial surgery in 2005. He worked as an academic staff in Erciyes University between 2005 and 2017. During this period in addition to his academic and clinical studies, he also held administrative positions such as chief of the department and vice dean. He served at Maxillofacial Department of St. Georges Hospital, London University as a visiting fellow in 2010. He was entitled as an associate professor in 2012. He started to work at Bezmialem Vakif University, Istanbul, in 2017 and became a professor at the same university in 2018. Since 2020 he is continuing his academic activities as a visiting professor at Bezmialem Vakif University. His professional interests include 3D digital planning, augmentation of atrophic jaws and dentofacial deformities. He has more than 50 papers published in national and international journals related with his scientific field.
Surgical Perspective to Immediate Full-Arch Rehabilitation: Analog vs. Digital
Implant treatment planning, surgery and restoration in terminal dentition or completely edentulous patients have always required careful precision and clinical experience. In these patients, patient-specific treatment planning and implementation is very important for success. Currently, with the development of digital dentistry applications, the digital workflow in full-arch implant-supported restorations has made great progress. In this presentation, patient selection, radiological and clinical evaluation, digital planning, tips and tricks for primary stabilization, tilted and axial implant applications and surgical steps in full arch implant treatments will be explained through case presentations. These mentioned points will be discussed in terms of both analog and digital workflows, and the advantages and disadvantages of both workflows in clinical practice will be evaluated. In order to provide surgical tips for clinical practice, explanations will be made through surgical videos of patients.
Learning objectives
- Analog and digital surgical workflow for full-arch implant treatments
- Immediacy in patients with edentulous jaw or terminal dentition
- Surgical tips and tricks for primary stabilization
Immediate Implant Placement in Anterior and Posterior Extraction Sockets
In this course, how to select a pa;ent clinically and radiologically for immediate implant placement when a single tooth extrac;on is required in the anterior or posterior region, the clinical points to be considered surgically in immediate implant placement, what should be considered in the driling protocol for primary stabiliza;on during implant placement, and what should be considered when grabing will be discussed. First, pa;ent selec;on and surgical applica;on will be demonstrated with case presenta;ons accompanied by videos and then implant applica;on will be performed on jaw models in both anterior and posterior extrac;on sockets. Par;cipants will be able to prac;ce implant placement in the anterior and posterior extrac;on sockets and reinforce what to consider when placing implants in the extrac;on socket in different regions, what to consider in implant selec;on and what to pay aien;on to in surgical prac;ce and drilling protocol.
Learning objectives
- Criteria for selecting clinically and radiologically suitable patients for immediate implant placement in anterior and posterior extraction sockets.
- Considerations when placing implants and grabing in anterior and posterior extraction sockets.
- Implant selection and driling protocol for primary stabiliza;on when placing implants in anterior and posterior extraction sockets.